Thursday, September 6, 2012

Intro Camp

 This pas week I was in the town of Bjerringbro attending an event called Intro Camp, that Rotary organizes each year for all 150 international exchange students across the country. It was so cool to get to meet so many new people from all around the world.
The camp was run by a group of "Super Awesome" teachers and was held at a local højskole. Each day went something like this... We started with breakfast and a morning assembly, before heading to six hours of Danish lessons. I was disappointed with the Danish course, because I had learned all the curriculum before arriving in Denmark, then was retaught it at language classes in Vejle and finally had to sit through another six hours of lessons I had already learned twice, each day. Oh well, c'est la vie.
During the evenings we had different evening activities we could choose to participate in. I decided to have a go at filipino stick fighting and advanced danish courses. I'm happy to say that I thoroughly enjoyed myself at both activities. 
On the other nights of the week we took part in a bonfire, where we roasted bread over the fire, traded pins for our blazers and had the chance to rock climb. There were so many students trading pins that evening, that by the end of the night I wasn't sure who I had giving already given my pins to and who I hadn't. It was chaotic. Fun, but chaotic. On our last night there was a talent show, where each class had to present a little show. Most classes showcased music or dances from the different cultures present in the class' students. My class sang Hakuna Matata in English and Danish.
Another highlight of the week was an outing to Denmark's second largest city, Aarhus. In the morning we got a tour of one of the coolest art museums I've ever been to, ARoS. My favourite pieces of art were created by the artist Olafur Elliason. This artist likes to make you part of the art work. His master pieces were like nothing I had ever seen before. The finale of our ARoS tour was a walk around Elliason's rainbow creation, which offers visitors a panoramic view of the city in all the colours of the rainbow. It was breathtaking. 

Your Rainbow Panorama - Olafur Elliason

So if you're ever Denmark, ARoS is a must see.

The rest of the day we spent exploring the city.

Sunday it was time to head home. I was sad to say goodbye to all the cool people I met, but happy to be heading home, where a nice long sleep awaited me. Thanks Rotary for an amazing week in Bjerringbro!

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